My Story

My Story is your story. It is the stories of boys and girls, men and women who have been in controversial rehabilitation programs. Often we have no way to verify or authenticate what the author has written and we do recognize that the owners and operators of controversial programs and their minions may try to submit to us bogus stories to discredit our work, so take that into consideration when you read these tragic tales.

For the most part these stories are unedited by us, including grammar and spelling, except to remove or disguise names of individuals.

Program Author Date published Story
Straight - Sarasota 1981 - 1982 Todd 2-19-04 Man when I think back it seems like only yesterday at times sitting in the "Carpet Room" during a guys rap. The doors would be open, warm day out breeze blowing And I am stuck in this god forsaken smelly room with a bunch kids just like me whose parents thought they were helping their "Druggie Kid ". story