Terry Brimmer has seen the light
but Joel Jones hasn't
Joel Jones, founder of Children's Wish Foundation, continues to glow about his involvement in organizing Straight-Orlando. link1, link2

Terry Brimmer has seen the light One reason for Straight's success was that in spite of its critics, Straight could always rely on some parents to come forward publicly and say their child would not be alive today had it not been for Straight. Terry and Susan Brimmer, of Tampa, Florida did a such a good job of promoting Straight that George Bush slected them for his 656th "Point of Light" award for their services to Straight, Inc. Mr. Brimmer was so proud of his award that, according to a posting on a web discussion forum earlier this year, he made the following claim on his web page, "He is active in civic organizations and in Straight, Inc., a drug rehabilitation program. For his service to Straight, Mr. Brimmer was awarded a "Point of Light" by President George Bush." But today his web page simply proclaims, "He is active in civic organizations and in a drug rehabilitation program. For his service, Mr. Brimmer was awarded a "Point of Light" by President George Bush. [Thanks to Animals and kaydeejaded for the tip.]