Headline News |
SAFE Sued | A
civil suit against SAFE, Inc., the Straight-descendent juvenile
drug rehabilitation program that has been endorsed by Florida Governor Jeb
Bush, was filed in Federal District Court in Orlando, Florida on December
19, 2001, Case NO. 601CV1489. The suit was filed on behalf of Chris
Manoly and Jeff Henschel, two young men who were in SAFE in 1999, and their
fathers Kamal Manoly and Claude Henschel. A summons was served on
Loretta Parrish on June 19, 2002. The suit charges negligence; false imprisonment;
breach of written contract; fraud; violations of the racketeering influenced
corrupt organizations act (R.I.C.O.); and injunctive relief. Besides SAFE,
Inc. the following other entities or individuals are named as defendants:
Loretta Parish, Executive Director of SAFE, Anchor Foundation, a SAFE-related
entity, and Dr. Linda Moore, a clinical psychologist from Maryland who recommended
SAFE to the Manoly family. Kamal Manoly was a speaker last year in Bethesda,
Maryland at the First International Conference on Juvenile Treatment Abuse.
He spoke on SAFE, Inc. Plaintiffs' attorneys are Tom Burton, a California
attorney who has gained notoriety in a suit against a Utah-based juvenile
treatment program and James J Gangitano of Orlando, Florida.
In the two years before he joined Straight, Inc. Michael Scaletta had been the business administrator for an Orlando company. His resume then states: Allegany College, Major Business Administration, but does not indicate a degree earned. Prior to coming to Straight, Loretta Parrish had been a partner and VP in a commercial land development venture. She had developed Muffler Man. Her resume then under education states: Florida College, Business Management but no degree is indicated. Michael quickly rose in the ranks to become the executive director of Straight-Orlando. Loretta quickly became the Marketing Manager for Straight-Orlando. On August 14, 1992 Straight-Orlando officially closed and on that very day Michael Scaletta incorporated SAFE, Inc. In the morning the kids had been in Straight; after lunch they were in SAFE. They didn't even change facilities--Michael just leased the old facility from Straight. He took Loretta with him. Today Loretta is the owner and executive director of SAFE. Between 2000 and 2001 Alba Murphy and some other former SAFE parents had worked to sue SAFE but nothing ever came of that suit. In 2000 TV Station WAMI of Miami, Florida did a two-day special report on SAFE which you can view here. One noted cult expert Steve Hassan from Boston has had this to say about SAFE, "[SAFE] fits my model of a destructive, mind-control cult." Eye Witness News will keep you informed as news develops in this breaking story, but as for now the big question on everybody's lips is whether the governor of Florida and Nancy Reagan will appear in court as a character witnesses for SAFE. See a related story on SAFE.
TV report on Kids Helping Kids -- Cincinnati | 11-14-05:
video link updated 0800
In 1980 Straight's national education director, George Ross (Ph.D.. Education),
left Straight to set up his own 2nd generation Straight in Sarasota, Fl.
which he called LIFE. He took Helen Peterman, Straight's first clinical
director, with him. (See Peterman
and Ross.) Ms. Peterman had been accused of abusing children at Straight
- St. Pete. Dr. Ross left LIFE to set up Kids Helping Kids in Hebron, Kentucky
across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. Straight had a camp in Cincinnati
(physically in Milford). State prosecutors closed Straight - Cincinnati
in 1987. Dr. Ross left Hebron to set up yet another program in Lexington,
Ky. which he called Possibilities Unlimited. Dr. Ross was criminally prosecuted
by state authorities for the activities of PU but he was acquitted. One
of his character witnesses was Helen Peterman. In the meantime Kids in Hebron
bought the old Straight - Cincinnati facility. There have been accusations
of abuse at Kids (parent company is Tri-State Rehab). Watch WCPO-Cincinnati
special report on Kids Helping Kids by Hagit
Limor. xscript
& video ....Related article
Cincy . |
Jeb Bush joins Straight's Advisory Board | (Also see DFAF's
Advisory Board.) Check out this incredible document.
As of October 11, 2001 Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida and brother to
the President of the United States, is on the Advisory Board for Straight
which now calls itself the DFAF (Drug Free America Foundation, Inc.) And
so is his wife Columba! James W. Holton, Commissioner of the Florida
Transportation Commission, is on the board of directors of the DFAF. It
should come as no surprise to see Jeb Bush tied to DFAF, after all Betty
Sembler was his finance cochairman. And then there is SAFE. Straight-Orlando
closed on August 14, 1992. On that very day Michael Scaletta Straight -
Orlando's executive director (taking Loretta Parish, Straight - Orlando's
marketing director, with him) opened SAFE, Inc. out of the same facility
Straight had used. In the morning the kids had been in Straight; after lunch
they were in SAFE. In late 2000 TV station WAMI from Miami, Florida
did a two-day exposition on SAFE. Because Governor Jeb Bush had previously
visited SAFE he had been contacted while the segment was being produced
to get his thoughts of SAFE. Even though he had been told that the segment
was going to be controversial, Jeb Bush sent the station this letter
of endorsement of SAFE! Even without Jeb and Columba,
the list of names on Straight's Advisory Board is nothing short of
extraordinary!. Here they are:
The million dollar question is, "why did all these government officials join the Advisory Board for DFAF?" Could political contributions (money) have been a factor? We will look at that possible issue, but since most of the board members are Florida officials we will limit ourselves to Florida state campaign contributions. [To see Sembler contributions to Republicans at the national level click here.] State and federal election laws are written to limit the amount of money a person can contribute to a particular candidate for a particular election. The purpose is to keep a wealthy man or company from buying a candidate or from having undue influence over an elected official. But election laws have never been perfect. On November 6, 2002 the new campaign finance reform law went into affect. The bill was sponsored by Senators John McCain and Russ Feingold. The intent of the new law is to limit the amount of "soft" money people and groups can donate to political candidates and parties. In 1998 U.S. federal law set strict limits on the amount of money any one person can donate to a candidate for national office -- $1,000 for any one election. Further, the law limited an individual to $5,000 in contributions in any one year to state party or special interest political groups. And it limited to $20,000 per year the contribution a person can make to the national political parties. In other words the law put a yearly total limit on all political contributions for federal purposes at $25,000. That is called "hard" money--a specified top-line limit. It was the law in 1998 and might vary some before or after 1998. The problem is that there were loopholes in federal campaign fund raising laws. The law's limit did not apply to what are called "independent" expenditures, where money is spent to support or oppose a candidate independently of the candidate. And they did not apply to money spent on "issues" as opposed to calling for the election of a particular candidate. This is called "soft" money. Soft money allows individuals and groups to contribute much more than $25,000 in any one year. Not surprisingly, Lamar Alexander, Mel Sembler's first choice for President and recipient of a lot of money from Sembler, opposed the campaign refinance law. After Jeb Bush's unsuccessful bid for governor of Florida in 1994 he formed the Foundation for Florida's Future, a charity to do constructive things for Florida; but there is evidence that the foundation funds were used primarily to pay the salaries of campaign aides until the next election cycle. Mel Sembler gave $5,000 to that foundation as did the Huizenga Family Foundation. Former paid Straight consultant and expert witness for Straight, the former Drug Czar Robert DuPont, is chief of the scientific advisory board for Psychemedics, Huizenga's hair follicle drug testing company. DuPont is now on the advisory board for DFAF. Between 1996 and 2002 Mel Sembler and his clan donated $100,012.75 to the Republican Party of Florida. Additionally, between 1996 and 1997 Mel contributed $15,000 to the Republican Fund for the Nineties-State (PAC). And in 1998 he contributed $10,000 to the Campaign for a New American Century Stat (PAC). Mel's friend Walter Loebenberg, former President of Straight Foundation, former President of Drug Free America Foundation, and founder of the Florida Holocaust Museum, contributed $21,000 to the Republican Party of Florida between 1996 and 2002. Florida state law limits donations to candidates who are running for state offices to a maximum of $500 per person for any given election. Before we look at contributions to individuals, let me give you a heads up on how things can work. On April 18, 1996 Mel Sembler contributed $500 to Tom Feeney's war chest (Feeney was Jeb Bush's running mate the first time he ran). But as we've seen between 1996 and 2002 the Sembler clan gave $100,000 to the Republican Party of Florida. Between 1996 and 2000 the Republican Party of Florida donated $59,000 to Feeney's campaigns. Today Tom Feeney is the Speaker of Florida's House of Representatives. So there seems to be ways of getting additional money to candidates. Besides Mel and Betty other
potential Sembler donors include their sons and daughters-in-law
Brent and Debbie Sembler, Greg and Liz Sembler, and Steve and Diane Sembler.
Of these, Steve Sembler is not on the contribution bandwagon.
In addition to Sembler donations to the Republican Party, the Semblers
have given many donations to individual candidates.
In 1997 Jeb received $3,500 from the Semblers. Mel and Betty gave $500
each on Sept 18, and Brent, Gregory, Dianne, Debbie, and Elizabeth each
gave $500 on the 19th. On Jan 25, 2002 Mel, Greg and Elizabeth each gave
$500 to Jeb. Debbie, Betty and Brent each gave $500 on Feb 7, and Greg
and Brent donated another $500 each on Sept 13. Walter Loebenberg
gave $500 to Jeb Bush in 1997 and $500 in 2001. Donald Sullivan,
former secretary for Straight Foundation, donated $200 to Jeb's campaign
in 1997 and $500 in 2002. Even Calvina Fay, DFAF's executive director,
freed up $200 for ole' Jeb. Mel and Walter each gave $500 to Jeb's
running mate's (Frank Brogran's) campaign. Betty Sembler was Jeb's
finance co-chairman in 1997. Mel financially supported Jeb's dad
so George Bush I made a TV commercial for Straight and made Mel ambassador
to Australia. Mel financially supported Jeb's brother and so
George Bush II made Mel ambassador to Italy. Mel supported Jeb and
Jeb joined the advisory board for DFAF and wrote a letter of endorsement
for the controversial Straight legacy program in Orlando called SAFE. In 1997 Alfred Hoffman, Jr., Jeb Bush's finance co-chairman, paid $32 million for a Coral Gables yacht club that he bought from one Armando Codina, a leader of the right-wing Cuban American National Foundation. Armando Codina is an ex-business partner of Jeb Bush. According to Salon ezine, "American intelligence and law enforcement authorities firmly believed that [one Orlando] Bosch was responsible for . . . the 1976 explosion that brought down a Cuban airliner, killing all 76 civilians aboard, although Venezuelan prosecutors had failed to convict him of that terrible crime." In 1989 Bosch was in prison in America for entering the country illegally, but prominent Miami Republicans, including businessmen with the Cuban American National Foundation, pressured President Bush to pardon Mr. Bosch. President Bush's son Jeb had made a fortune in real estate deals with some of these Cuban exile businessmen who had advocated Bosch's release. George H. W. Bush pardoned Bosch and worked out a deal so he could stay in America despite the Justice Department's desire to have him deported because he had, "repeatedly expressed and demonstrated a willingness to cause indiscriminate injury and death." James W. Holton, an attorney from Maderia Beach and Commissioner of Florida Transportation Commission is on the board of directors for Drug Free America Foundation. On December 5, 1995 Straight Foundation, Inc. changed its name to its current name--the Drug Free America Foundation.
Scientology finally pays out to former member |
On May 9, after 22 years and one of the longest playing legal dramas in California jurisprudence, the Church of Scientology paid former parishioner Lawrence Wollersheim for damages he said he incurred while in the church. Mr. Wollersheim had signed a "billion-year" contract with the church but says he ended up in a "thought reform gulag" instead. In 1989 a California appeals court said that, "Wollersheim's mental condition worsened to the point he actively contemplated suicide," adding, "the church's conduct was manifestly outrageous." Mr. Wollersheim had quit Scientology after spending $150,000 on L. Ron Hubbard's "mental health" regimes and went on to found FACTNET, the biggest cult awareness voice on the internet. Click here and here for the story. Congratulations Lawrence and FACTNET!!!
The Clary Report, Florida state Senator Donald Sullivan, MD and his wife Judge Irene Sullivan |
Did Mel Sembler quash a state attempt to close an abusive drug rehab? The Clary Report, Florida state Senator Donald Sullivan, MD and his wife Judge Irene Sullivan Straight closed its flagship program in Saint Petersburg on April 13, 1993 amidst an investigation of Straight being conducted by Lowell Clary, Acting Inspector General for Florida’s Department of Health and Human Services (HRS) now called the Office of Children and Family. Mr. Clary had begun his investigation back in December because of damaging documents about Straight's operations which he had received from Richard Bradbury. Mr. Clary released his findings on May 19, a month after Straight, Inc. had closed. His report, which is presented below in its entirety, insinuates that Melvin Sembler and " unnamed state senators" probably pressured HRS to grant Straight-Saint Petersburg a license in 1989 when an on-site inspection team was preparing to deny the license. According to the report Harry Moffitt, an HRS senior program specialist, said that deputy assistant secretary Linda Lewis questioned why Florida would continue to let Straight operate in spite of allegations of withholding medication and food from clients, depriving them of sleep and using excessive force against them. That when Ms. Lewis brought this up to Ivor Groves, an assistant secretary to HRS, she had been told that she would be fired on the spot if she did not do as told. Groves denied the conversation and Lewis did not recall it. The report also revealed a definite pattern of abuse or excessive force used against clients at Straight facilities. See the five page report here: Post Clary: Straight's Dr. Donald Sullivan, MD oversees Florida's Office of Children and Families. Donald C. Sullivan, MD is a respected orthopedic surgeon in Saint Petersburg, Florida. In 1992 he was successfully elected to the Florida state Senate as a Republican. One thing that former Senator Sullivan can be credited for is making Saint Petersburg Community College a full four year college. [ Betty Sembler sits with Florida's drug czar Jim McDonough on on the advisory board of the Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT)--a program funded by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Florida National Guard and hosted near Betty's house at Saint Petersburg Junior College. MCTFT is the federal government's program to train law enforcement officers, nationwide, in counter drug task force efforts.] Besides his work in education, Senator Sullivan served on the state Senate's Children and Families Committee which oversees Florida's Office of Children and Families, the very same office that the Clary Report insinuates was prepared to deny Straight's license in 1989 when political pressure was put on it to grant a license. This all occurring, of course, before Senator Sullivan came aboard. Former Senator Sullivan says he had been persuaded into running for the state Senate in 1992 by his friend, then state Senator, John Grant, a Republican from Tampa. (Between 1994 and 1996 Senator John Grant got $4,000 from eight separate $500 donations from the Sembler clan. Joseph Garcia, former Chairman Straight Executive Committee and former Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Drug Free America Foundation contributed $250 to John Grant's 1996 campaign. [Source: Florida Department of State Division of Elections]) Interestingly, Wesley Pennington, the president of Straight, ran unsuccessfully as a Republican for the state assembly in 1992. Interesting because according to a document submitted by Straight Foundation to the IRS as part of its tax package, in May 1992 Donald Sullivan, MD was the secretary of the board of directors of Straight Foundation, Inc. Check out the 1996 annual report for Straight Foundation (which now calls itself the Drug Free America Foundation) in which the state's office of corporations is instructed to remove Donald Sullivan from its list of officers.Post Clary: Dr. Sullivan's wife Irene Sullivan becomes a Sixth Circuit judge. In the preface to an article written by Saint Petersburg Times reporter William R. Levesque on October 29, 1998, Mr. Levesque writes: "Critics say the endorsements blur the line between party politics and non-partisan judicial campaigns." He writes: "In two fliers, the Republican Party of Pinellas County urges residents to vote the party ticket, . . . Included in the list are Irene Sullivan, a candidate for circuit court judge, and George Brown. . ." Irene Sullivan, who is the wife of Dr. Donald C. Sullivan, got her judgeship. (Irene Sullivan received $1,000 from Mel and Betty Sembler in four separate $250 donations between 1997 and 1998. Walter Loebenberg donated $500 to Ms. Sullivan's campaign in 1998 and $250 in 1997. Former Straight board members or advisory board members attorneys Guy Perenich and Myron Mensch, Dr. Bruce Epstein and wife Amy (Amy is not a former board member), and Mel Gross and Raymond Bourgholtzer threw in $650 combined. DFAF Advisory Board member Susan Latvala and her husband state senator Jack Latvala donated $550 between 1997 and 1998. Irene's husband and former Straight Foundation secretary Donald Sullivan, MD gave the maximum allowed of $500. But all of this pales to insignificance compared to what Irene Sullivan donated to her own campaign fund. She gave $99,000 of her own money to become a judge. [Source: Florida Department of State Division of Elections]) For Betty Sembler's 70th birthday everybody gathered at Gratzzi's Italian restaurant to wish her well. Judge Irene Sullivan was there. Instead of gifts Betty had asked everyone to contribute to the DFAF. The Clary finding is not the only time Mel Sembler's cronies put heat on state licensing officials either. Straight had opened in 1976 and by 1978 was in danger of being shut down because of numerous allegations of serious child abuse. The man who led the investigation had been Robert G. Marshall, district director of the state's licensing authority for drug rehabilitation programs in Pinellas County for the state office of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). Naturally, a special citizen's committee called Parents Associated Inc. had been created to investigate--the investigator, Bob Marshall. Prominent on that citizen's committee had been Pinellas County Judge Jack Dadswell and Mack Vines who would be the chief of police by 1980. (Terry Hensley, another Saint Petersburg Police Chief, would later become the executive director of the Straight Foundation under its new name the Drug Free America Foundation.) A spokesperson for HRS Secretary William J. "Pete" Page, Jr. has admitted that Straight officials had called to complain about Marshall. Straight board member John White said that on one occasion a Straight official complained to Page about Marshall, but he did not know who it was. Even Melvin Sembler confirmed that some Straight officials had contacted Mr. Page about the HRS investigation of Straight, but, according to a newspaper account of the time, like Senator Curt Kiser 10 years later, he can't remember who they were. In any event Straight did not close but the investigator Bob Marshall was fired! An interesting thing happened after the man destined to be the chief of police for Saint Petersburg investigated HRS' Bob Marshall. One of his assistants, Lt David Milchan, who had headed the Youth Services Division of the St. Petersburg Police Department, had frequently referred families to Straight. In fact he was on the Straight Advisory Committee. Well it seems he just got tired of being a police officer after all those years of service. No he didn't bother retiring. He just up and quit and took a job with HRS. So now Straight had managed to get Bob Marshall fired for investigating Straight and get a former board member working for HRS to boot. Well after a bit David Milchan decided that he wanted to be a policeman after all, and so he went back to law enforcement. But not as a mere lieutenant. He went to Saint Petersburg Beach which is the city of residence for Straight co-founder Joseph Zappala and, in 1981, was given the job of Chief of Police! The Saint Petersburg Beach Lions Club annually awards the Joseph Zappala Policeman of the Year Award. See related stories:
Straight founder Mel Sembler, AO is Ambassador to Italy |
founder buys his second ambassadorship! We recommend China next!
Syndicated cartoonist Gary Trudeau had a field day lampooning President Bush's 1989 ambassadorial appointments and ran several satires like the one below:
Straight board members have
always been good Republicans. Mel Sembler was George W. Bush's finance
co-chairman in Florida in 1988. Straight board member Alec Courtelis was
Republican Party Finance Chief. Roy Speer, founder of cable's Home
Shopping Network, was another Straight board member to pitch-in $100,000
to them Republicans in 1988. Zappala got the ambassadorship to Spain,
and interestingly, Speer got the concessions to the Madrid Summer Olympics!
You can learn more about the 1989 Saint Petersburg Twins' appointments
Here's the entire speech. Well Ambassador2 Melvin Floyd Sembler, AO, has already reported to duty in Italy. Here he is on his new assignment.
The Seed closes for good | Art Barker and The
Seed close for good, 2002 When Mel and Betty Sembler founded Straight in 1976 they didn't exactly start from scratch. One of their sons had been in a drug rehabilitation program called The Seed which was then the rave in juvenile rehabilitation in Florida. But after a blistering report by the US Senate in 1975 which likened The Seed's methods to those employed by North Korean soldiers to brainwash American servicemen, The Seed stopped it's expansion programs. And in the ensuing vacuum walked Mel and Betty. There were reports that The Seed had closed altogether; but it had not. It had stopped treating juveniles. But now it looks like Art has retired and closed his program for good. And what about the money? Well, the dogs got it. Or at $50,000 of it. Here's that story. Art, some say your program was abusive; others swear by it. I'm reminded of a movie called Goodbye Mr. Chips in which an English headmaster, in the twilight of his life, recalls all the boys he has helped in life. Do you harbor similar feelings of satisfaction? Goodbye Mr. Barker ![]()
First international conference on treatment abuse huge success by Reid Martin, Straight - Springfield |
The conference in D.C.
was informative, fascinating, sad, fun, funny, and aggravating. A total
success!!! There were a variety of
participants all there for their own particular reasons. We all agreed
upon one issue. Child abuse by "Drug Treatment" facilities must
be stopped. The conference was of course, titled: "Saving our Children
from Drug Treatment Abuse". A very nice gentleman named Jim Turney
was there documenting the entire event. His company: LibertyTapes.com
can provide audio or video tapes of the various events. His number is:
703-550-7474. At least one freelance writer was there uncertain to whom
she would sell her story. A writer from High Times, and (I think)
someone writing for NORML was present. There were supporters of SAFE,
Program Survivors, lawyers, parents, siblings, and others. There were
around 50 or 60 people total. We were all reasonably cordial given that
some of us had entirely opposing viewpoints. Personally, I wish the
New York Times had been there. I ordered a few tapes from Jim so I can
review the material later. Needless to say, I went through a lot of emotion,
especially when listening to the survivors' accounts. I remembered that
place in vivid detail, memories of others came back. The worst part was
hearing of someone kept in a similar program for something like 13 years.
It was really riveting to hear Fred tell of the night he threw the kitchen
table through a window as a last resort. I ate in that kitchen with his
younger brother George for a month or so after that with plywood covering
the opening. I really miss him too; I was reminded of that. Fred has gained
a very healthy amount of weight and I couldn't believe how much he looked
like George. I would tell more, but
I'm tired as I just drove home today. I figured that many would be curious
so I wanted to get some info out to you as soon as I could. I also received a call from an associate here at home telling me of how one of his customers just paid someone to come kidnap her 13 year old daughter for "intake" somewhere. It's still going on folks, that's why we were there. We must never forget that. [Editor's note.
I was one of the speakers at the conference. I think one of the
most telling moments occurred when a member of a follow-on Straight was
addressing the conference from the floor and Stanton Peele repeatedly
asked him, "OK, what is it that your program does differently
that is so effective". The man did not, or could not,
answer that simple question. Many former Straight officials have
opened their own Straight-based programs around the country and they all
claim success, so I also would like to ask them just what Straight
technology they have removed from their programs? What have they
kept? And what new innovations have they implemented that makes
their programs so successful, and also that can assure us there can be
no abuse at their program? I would also like to add that not all
conference attendees had been members of Straight or Straight-related
groups. For example, a panelist named Matt had been at Elan.
Another man had just had a good friend escorted to a wilderness program
in West Virginia.]
Florida OCF sells confidential files | Straight and its related
programs have operated with impunity in Florida for over 30 years under
licenses issued from the Office of Children and Families (formerly HRS).
To its defense, OCF has often had its hands tied by court decisions
favorable to the Straights and by pressure from state Republican politicians
in one of the most politically corrupt states in the Union. To its
distain HRS has had kids escape from Straight and its abuses only to be
taken right back to Straight by HRS! OCF licensed the Broward County
juvenile facility associated with Lutheran Family Services where, two years
ago, counselors took pictures of a child who was hanging himself instead
of cutting the boy loose. That boy now has brain damage. OCF has frequently
managed to make its own mistakes as when it recently sold 50 boxes of confidential
client files for $5. Story.
The Leo J. Ryan Education Foundation features a story on Straight, Inc. |
Volume 2,
No. 2 (Fall 2000) of CULT info, the journal
of the Leo J. Ryan Education
Foundation, carried a three page story on the Straights titled
Straight at What Price? Does Mind Control Continue at Drug Rehabs
for Children? The story was written by Wesley Fager.
Father Doctor Miller Newton and team to pay $4.5 million
In 1983 Dr. Miller Newton, then
Straight's national clinical director, left Straight on the heels
of two state criminal investigations and amidst mounting civil litigations,
to form his own Sembler-based synanon called KIDS of Bergen County in
New Jersey. Click here
to see his 18 year reign as one of the world's acknowledged authorities
on addictions and compulsive behaviors. Click Closure
for a Quack Victim to see how Rebecca Erlich,
one of his former patients, finally ran him out of town.
Straight gets federal grant for $314,539 from the Small Business Administration |
And you think the U. S. Government's Small Business Administration is tasked to ensure minorities get their fair share. Straight Foundation which now calls itself the Drug Free America Foundation (DFAF) in collaboration with PHR Associates, Inc. and Drug and Alcohol Testing, Inc. was awarded a $314,539 grant by the The U.S. Small Business Administration in December 2000. The grant is to help 200 small businesses in the Tampa area to setup drug-free workplaces. On October 21, 1988, Congress enacted the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 as part of the Omnibus Drug Initiative Act of 1988. This statute requires that all institutions receiving grants from any federal agency certify to that agency that they will maintain a drug-free workplace. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998 authorizes the U. S. Small Business Administration to hand out grants to "qualified intermediaries" that can provide technical and financial assistance to small companies in setting up Drug-Free Workplaces by providing for drug testing, employee assistant programs (EAPs) and such. $4 million dollars was appropriated. Straight got one of those grants from the SBA. It was for $314,539. Randall S. Pawley's National Drug and Alcohol Testing, Inc, Straight's partner in Saint Petersburg which actually does the drug testing part, received $234,000. And Drug Free Business Houston (the organization apparently from which Calvina Fay, DFAF's executive director had come) got $170,000. Former White House Drug Czar and paid Straight consultant Robert DuPont has teamed up with Peter Bensinger, former director of the DEA, to form Bensinger and DuPont--another organization offering companies assistance in setting up EAPs. Straight, Inc. always boasted that it did not accept government funding but this was not true. The Seed, Straight's predecessor, was run by a huge NIDA grant plus smaller grants from LEAA, the U.S. government's Law Enforcement Assistance Agency. After the U.S. Senate accused The Seed of brainwashing kids, LEAA promised not to fund any more drug rehab programs, but a few months later LEAA was already funding Straight startup money of $100,000 in two grants. Straight stopped receiving LEAA grants when it was accused of violating federal law in the use of that money. From Dan Forbes' Sub-Rosa Plot: According to Philanthropic Research, Inc., in the FY ending in September, 2000, DFAF had total revenues of $528,872; of this, government contributions and grants totaled $206,016. For 1998, total revenue was $527,465; government grants, $176,073. And DFAF’s own web site reports that in December, 2000, the U. S. Small Business Administration awarded it and two collaborators a $314,539 grant “to assist 200 small businesses … in establishing and maintaining drug-free workplaces.” DFAF was to assist these employers in identifying, documenting and intervening. After laws
were passed in the late 1980s authorizing the federal government to give
financial aid to programs which had established Employee Assistance
Plans or EAPs, Straight's newsletter EPIDEMIC
ran a big promotional article for EAPs. Today, Straight's former paid
consultant Robert DuPont assists businesses in setting up EAPs from his
offices in Maryland and Chicago. Straight Foundation is using the SBA
grant to assist employers in EAPs. Wood and Associates is a competing
EAP services provider in Tampa which deals with "sexual identify"
problems and crisis intervention such as suicide, besides providing assistance
for employees with drug and alcohol problems. Is the DFAF addressing "sexual
identity" problems and suicide issues too? Ironically,
Straight, which has been chided for not having minority students, is now
being funded by one of the federal government's watch-dog agencies charged
to ensure that minority businesses get an equal opportunity.
Editorials Sex abuse and the rights of children in Florida rehab programs Police report of alleged homosexual gang rape attempt at a Growing Together foster home (The items didacted in black were done by the police, those in grey by the editor): |
In 1997 a former male client at Growing Together, a Sembler-based synanon in Lake Worth, Florida, alleges that he was sexually assaulted by his four old comers. Now just because a kid says he was abused in a Growing Together-extension foster home does not necessarily mean that the event happened. But it does question the wisdom of Florida officials for letting Sembler-based synanons operate foster home extensions because there have been abuses at Sembler-based foster homes, because Sembler-based foster homes have a long history of violation of fire and safety codes, and because Straight has a long history of reports of sexual abuses and physical abuses in Sembler-based host home extensions. In fact, politically-connected Straight was run out of Virginia in 1991 by state health officials. But not for 9 years of allegations of abuses starting with a $220,000 award to Fred Collins by a federal jury back in 1983 for false imprisonment. Virginia health officials finally did their job when the Commissioner for the Department of Mental Health, Dr. King E. Davis was personally sued after a kid claimed he had been sexually assaulted in a Straight-extension host home. The boy’s dad and attorney reasoned, OK Dr. Davis, this program has a trail of child abuse, including sexual abuse, and you continued to license them. So if somebody gets hurt, you will have to share in the liability due to your negligence.
Are teenagers really allowed to sleep behind a locked door and in their underwear? This went on at Straight all the time. Do you see the potential for sexual abuse? Suppose there is a fire. One former Straight parent once told Ed Bradley on Sixty Minutes who brought up this same issue 15 years ago that he had been told when he had asked the question himself about fires and the wisdom of locking kids in bedrooms that the kids would die in the gutter anyway. Without host home extensions, allegations like the one cited in this news release can not be made thus actually protecting Florida state officials (as well as other state licensing officials) and Growing Together officials too, as well as the children. (And oh yes, the host home parents in Virginia were sued too, so it protects them also.) Furthermore, it underscores the need for kids to have their constitutional right to call home or to call a state health official or to call an attorney because if abuses can occur in churches and they have, or by police officers–and they have, or by one’s own parents–and they have, or by Straight officials–and they have, then abuses can occur in a Growing Together-extension foster home. Isn’t it funny that in Florida a policeman
apparently does not question the appropriateness of locking kids in a
room. Isn’t it funny in Florida the police go out of their way to read
a potential felon his constitutional rights but a kid in a Floridian drug
rehab has no rights. If the policeman were to arrest the alleged perpetrators
they would be allowed a phone call. But not the little boy. In a Florida
drug rehab he can not call his own parents. Perhaps these programs
have something to learn from the criminal justice system. Prison
wardens are well aware of what may happen when a young inmate is placed
in a cell with older inmates. There has been a history in the American
prison system where a guard discovers a young prisoner hung in his cell.
Why? After being ganged raped by his cell mates, feeling he
has lost his manhood, young prisoners often resort to suicide.
What is wrong with Florida?
President-elect Bush to exempt church-run social programs from state licensing |
Narconon, the drug treatment program tied to the Church of Scientology, boasts of the largest drug rehab treatment facility in the world at Chiloco, Oklahoma. In the early 1990s state health regulators in Oklahoma refused to license Narconon. But then, amidst a big debate, just out of the blue, the state legislature in Oklahoma decided to change the law. The new law said if you can't get licensed by Oklahoma authorities then we'll still let you operate if you can get certified by an out-of-state licensing body. And that is just what Narconon did. They got a license from CARF in Arizona. The Newkirk Herald alleged of possible associations between CARF and some Scientologists. CARF, incidentally, also licenses the Sembler-based synanon Growing Together in Lakeworth, Florida. Now George W. Bush has found another creative
way to license drug rehabilitation programs which can't pass state muster
as stated in this first bullet of his drug policy from a Straight
Foundation (now calling itself DFAF) writeup. There
was a church-related rehab program in Texas that was having problems passing
state health regulations to operate a rehab program, so he passed
a law that exempts church-based rehab programs from state scrutiny. (See
Roloff Schools.)
George W. says that if he is elected he will have churches exempt from
state oversight of running rehabilitation centers. You would have
thought that he would have learned from Ronald Reagan. At President
Reagan's inaugural speech he introduced Father Bruce Ritter as one
of the nation's "unsung heroes" in the so-called "War on
Drugs." Father Ritter, then a Catholic priest, was the
founder of Covenant House, a charitable organization that took in homeless
kids, "exploited" kids. I don't know what
he did with the little girls. But do you know what he did with the
little boys. He had sex with many of them! Or maybe from Jim
Jones' People Temple which resorted to the extreme method of saving its
drug addicts from addiction by having them commit suicide. Maybe
George W. should read Ronald Enroth's book Churches that Abuse or Alexia
Parks' book An American Gulag to
learn about some fundamentalist, Christian-based boarding schools.
You know Straight's former national clinical director Father Doctor Miller
Newton might have a problem getting a state license to run a juvenile
drug rehab program anywhere in the country considering his reputation
for running abusive programs, but George W. Bush is giving him an
opportunity to practice his bizarre treatment techniques on kids under
the name Man of God! See George W. Bush on exempting church-related
drug rehab programs from state scrutiny here.
[Check out this related link on
Bethel Children's
Home.] |
The Republican Party and the Straights | According to the book The
Great Drug War the first time Fred Collins ever saw Straight was on
NBC's News Magazine. "It all reminded me of a Moonie cult,"
said Fred at the time. [Later Mr. Collins, an engineering student at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and making good grades, would visit his brother who
was a student at Straight only to be shanghaied into Straight himself. A
federal jury would subsequently award Fred Collins $220,000 for being falsely
imprisoned at Straight.] Twenty-five years ago you might have been
in some airport or shopping center where you were approached by a
college-age man or woman selling flowers for their church. Their church
may have been the Unification Church founded by South Korean Sun Myung Moon.
They used to call themselves Moonies but they don't like that term anymore.
Reverend Moon associated organizations have proven themselves quite capable
and have helped Reverend Moon to have the money to keep his national-level
newspaper, the Washington Times, afloat. In fact, he has been so
successful that when fellow Christian Reverend Jerry Falwell ran into trouble
on the mortgage of his Liberty Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia, he
turned to Reverend Moon's money to bail him out. Maybe that's why you can
see Reverend Falwell on the podium at a Moon-sponsored function from time-to-time.
People like Fred Collins might, at one time, have thought of
it as a cult, but how can it be a cult if Jerry Falwell of the Moral
Majority associates with it? Give credit to the old Cult
Awareness Network for enlightening us about the Unification Church
but that is now operated by the Church of Scientology. The
Washington Post did a feature expose on Reverend Moon and his Unification
Church about a year ago, but you won't see a similar article
in the Washington Times. George and Barbara Bush are
big Moon supporters. They go around the world making speeches for Moon.
And if George Bush will reach into the pockets of a Korean-based, newage
churchman then it shouldn't surprise you to know that George's hands
are in Mel Sembler's pockets as well. The Republican Party has a penchant
for cult money. Here for the first time is an expose on the
Republican Party and it's links to Straight brainwashing schools
for white American children. ![]()
Betty Sembler Day | It is not unusual for humanitarians such as
Straight cofounder Betty Sembler and Scientology® founder L. Ron Hubbard
to have a day named in their honor. March 13 has been declared L.
Ron Hubbard Day in 150 American cities by mayors impressed with Hubbard's
work in areas like drug rehabilitation, education and reform of criminals.
The Los Angeles city council was so impressed with Hubbard's life work that
they named a street after him: L. Ron Hubbard Way. Take Betty
Dederich, a former prostitute who became the wife of Synanon Church
founder Chuck Dederich. Sometime around May 1977 Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley
declared Betty Dederich Day in honor of her humanitarian work at Synanon.
Synanon perfected the treatment method that is employed at Straights. Reverend
Jim Jones of The Peoples Temple is another award winner who, among other
achievements, treated heroin addicts. When Jimmy Carter campaigned in San
Francisco parishoners from The People's Temple helped form large crowds
of cheering supporters. This gave Jones a private audience with Rosalyn
Carter. Of course later Reverend Jones moved his flock to Guyana where he
and almost all of his 900 disciples committed suicide in mass--men, women
and children.
In October 1994 President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill that makes the fourth Sunday of every July National Parents Day. There's an interesting story on that bill that was first introduced by Congressmen Dan Burton (R.-Ind) and Rep. Floyd Flake (D-N.Y.) earlier in the year. According to an article in the Washington City Paper, the date is tied to a religious holiday celebrated by the Moonies in honor of their founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his wife Hak Ja Han Moon. According to that article the Moonies believe Reverend Moon is the third Adam and his wife is the True Eve. That when the Moons' first biological child was born, Mrs. Moon's "breast milk was cut with cow's milk and ceremonially served to Church members." In 1960, according to the article, the couple declared themselves the True Parents of all mankind. They proclaimed True Parents Day, a church holiday to be celebrated variously in March and April. In 1993 Ms. Moon toured America on a "True Parents' Tour America." She ended her whirlwind tour at the US Senate's Dirksen Office Building on the evening of July 28 when she spoke to the Women's Federation for World Peace, an organization she founded and an organization which has paid both George W. and Barbara Bush handsomely for giving speeches at its functions. The day before Senator Trent Lott (R-Miss) had addressed the Senate urging his fellow senators to support True Parents' Day by attending the WFWP meeting the next evening. Next night Ms. Moon was introduced at the meeting by Senator Orim Hatch (R-Utah). You can this fascinating story here, but the ultimate outcome of it all, according to this article, is what American's now celebrate, along with Mother's Day and Father's Day, as National Parents Day. So it is not unusual for Republican politicians to award special favors to cult founders who have donated large amounts of money to their campaigns. According to this Drug Free America Foundation press release dated August 7, 2000 and to this announcement in the Saint Petersburg Times, Florida's governor Jeb Bush declared August 8, 2000 Betty Sembler Day in honor of the matron from Saint Petersburg, Florida who has done so much to affect drug policy in America [DFAF was formerly Straight, Inc.]. From the press release it is noted that Mrs. Sembler was "one of the 10 founding members of Straight, Inc." Also noted is that she is vice-chairperson of DARE International and that she formed a DARE Foundation in Australia when her husband Melvin Sembler was ambassador to that country. In 1989 President George H. W. Bush made a TV commercial for Straight out of the Oval Office. He also appointed Straight founder Mel Sembler ambassador to Australia and founder Joe Zappala ambassador to Spain. The fact that each had contributed over $100,000 to his campaign (and that other Straight officials had also made substantial contributions) had noting to do with it. In 2001 President George W. Bush appointed Mel Sembler to be our ambassador to Italy. The fact that Sembler Company contributed $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inauguration Committee had nothing to do with that. President Bush's brother Jeb, who is governor of Florida, has written a letter of support of Straight legacy program SAFE, has joined DFAF's advisory board, and has declared August 8, 2000 Betty Sembler Day. The fact that she was his finance co-chair has nothing to do with that either.
The Straights and the ACLU |
In 1997 Florida Trend Magazine made the following statement about Straight founder Melvin Sembler:
Just what was the ACLU lawsuit in Atlanta Mr. Sembler was referring to here? We have to first go back to Straight's predecessor--The Seed. On the night of June 26, 1973, four days before his 21st birthday, Roger L. Young was arrested by police who entered his grandmother's home. He did not know that earlier that day his mother, Mrs Dorothy Sykes, and her attorney Bailey Welden had convinced Circuit Court Judge Richard Miller to commit him under the Guardianship Act to a juvenile drug rehabilitation program in Saint Petersburg called The Seed. Ms Sykes already had her other three children in The Seed. Judge Miller once bragged that he prefers juveniles to be absent from the courtroom while they are being committed to The Seed. He said that if he notified the minor first "they'd be long gone." Judge Miller said that "he requires no proof from the parent that the minor has a drug problem and needs the help of The Seed." "There has to be use of drugs or they wouldn't get in," Judge Miller had said during the Roger Young proceedings. "The Seed screens them," he said. "I say take them to The Seed and see if they can help them." Welden was an attorney who worked without fees to aid parents in getting their children in The Seed. The Seed in Pinellas County was part of a state-wide chain based in Fort Lauderdale. Roger had not been present at the hearing. He did not even know a hearing had taken place. His mother was not required to give proof that her son had a drug problem. On July 3 Margaret Yazell of the ACLU sent him a certified letter offering legal assistance from the ACLU. The receipt was returned signed by Susan L. Connors, Director of the Pinellas Seed. Dr. Robert L. Young, a Panama City dentist and Roger's father, said he was not allowed to talk to Roger on the phone. (Roger's mother and father ware divorced.) Kathy McCarty, Roger's girlfriend was not allowed to speak with Roger either. The police searched Roger but found no evidence of drugs. But Roger was searched at the Seed and Seed personnel found marijuana and syringes. His mother said they were holding that over Roger's head. Seed staff told Roger that with syringes and pot he could get a 10 year felony sentence, but as long as he stayed in The Seed, they won't notify the police. His mother said that the threat helped Roger decide to stay in The Seed. Leonard Lubin of the ACLU said that to "extract from somebody a course of conduct on an offer not to report a felony is compounding a felony." Only five months after the coerced imprisonment of Roger Young, it had happened again. Jeff Bourgholtzer was a 17 year old student at Boca Ciega High School when his parents suspected that he was using drugs. At on point his parents had tried to get Jeff to enter The Seed, but Jeff had run away. Later with an attorney named Jack Clark, Raymond and Joyce Bourgholtzer, Jeff's parents, met with a Gulfport, Florida (a St. Petersburg suburb) probate court judge on November 26, 1973 and had themselves declared Jeff's legal guardians. (Circuit Court Judge Jack Dadswell had started his legal career years before as the city attorney for Gulfport.) Jeff was unaware that there had even been a hearing. They told the judge that Jeff had admitted to using marijuana, hashish and hashish oil and petitioned the court to order Jeff into the Seed--which the judge did. The order stated that Jeff Bourgholtzer would remain in The Seed "until such time as he finishes the program." The police picked Jeff up at his high school on December 6 and took him to the Gulfport police station where he had been allowed to make one phone call. Jeff had called the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and spoken with attorney Leonard Lubin. Jeff told Mr. Lubin what had happened to him. Art Barker, the founder of The Seed, had admitted to reporters and editors at the St. Petersburg Times in early December 1973 that Seedlings are not allowed to meet with their attorney once they enter The Seed. And so it was with Jeff and Mr. Lubin. Unable to contact his client, Mr. Lubin filed a writ of habeas corpus declaring that his client was being "detained without lawful authority" and was denied due process of law. Jeff was granted a hearing on December 14 in Pinellas County's Circuit Court by Judge David Patterson. Circuit Court Judge Robert E. Michael presided at the hearing. Jeff Bourgholtzer had been isolated completely from the outside world for 9 days. From his parents, from his attorney, from his friends. Amazingly, at his hearing Jeff Bourgholtzer told Judge Michael that he no longer wanted to be represented by an attorney, and wanted to remain in The Seed! "There's a prima facie case of the possibility of coercion," remarked Mr. Lubin. Even the judge admitted that someone in The Seed had apparently told Jeff he would be sent to jail if he did not stay, but the judge says he assured Jeff he would not be sent to jail. Here's what Circuit Court Judge Robert Michael had to say. "We (the court) were being asked to test a system, but we didn't have to because Jeff said he wanted to go back (to the Seed). . . If I had gotten into (the legality of probate order) I think there would have been grounds to say some constitutional rights probably were violated. If Jeff had said he was being held illegally, I might have had to send the case back to (to probate for review)." Lord only knows what happened to Jeff Bourgholtzer in those 9 days of isolation, but even the judge knew Jeff had been told by Seed staff that he would go to prison if he didn't shut up. [St Petersburg Times, 12/15/73.] Eleanor Randolph writing for New Times in 1974 wrote that the ACLU was investigating The Seed for the possibility of invasion of privacy: "a youngster's private right to grow up in painful fits and starts." In November 1974 the US Senate released a report that likened the methods The Seed to the brainwashing methods used by North Koreans against American POWs during the Korean War. After that damning Senate report The Seed closed its expansion programs, but some Seed parents including Melvin and Betty Sembler opened their own Seed-like program in Saint Petersburg which they called Straight, Inc. Jeff Bourgholtzer's dad, Ray Bourgholtzer, was the Secretary/Treasurer for Straight. Ray's attorney had been one Jack Clark. [There was a Jack Clark who was president of Straight from 1981 - 1982. He was Mel Sembler's neighbor in Treasurer Island.] Soon after Straight started operations there was an incident similar to the Young and Bourgholtzer incidents. A young woman named Gail Stephenson had escaped from a host home and fled to a neighbor's house to use the phone, but Straight phasors barged into the neighbor's house, uninvited, and forcefully removed Ms. Stephenson back to Straight. The ACLU did not get involved and after a week in seclusion Ms. Stephenson now said she now wanted to remain in Straight. States Attorney James T. Russell, who had invited The Seed to Pinellas County, took no action. Within 16 months of its opening a half dozen board members left Straight. One made a public statement insinuating Straight was worse than The Seed. Despite allegations of abuse, Straight expanded. Straight Cincinnati opened in January 1981. Within six weeks of its opening the American Civil Liberties Union in Cincinnati had already received complaints about the program. "It's a brutal program," said Margie Robertson, director of the Cincinnati Chapter of the ACLU. Ms. Robertson called it "a concentration camp for throwaway kids." Patricia Wynne of Lebanon, Ohio said her ex-husband placed her 13-year-old son Michael in Straight Cincinnati in May 1982. Of her son she said, "He's brainwashed. He's not even my son any more." Ms. Wynne hired attorney Joanne Hash to get Michael out. Attorney Hash said that Michael gave the following description of the program in a court hearing in July 1982: "He had been in Straight 59 days. He had been subjected to counseling 12 hours a day in a windowless room. He had no outdoor exercise. His diet consisted of dry cereal and juice for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly for lunch with an apple or banana and chili for dinner most of the time. He was locked in a room every night. If it was necessary to get up to go to the bathroom he must wake an oldcomer to go with him." [Washington Post, 7-14-82, p. Md1.] Which all brings us to Mel Sembler's
boastful grin about the ACLU in Georgia. Straight-Atlanta
had started operations in Marietta, Georgia in August 1981. Six months
later it was already being sued. A former client had complained of child
abuse at Straight-Atlanta and referred to it as a "hell hole"
according to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. The youth named five
clients who were still being held against their will at Straight and on
February 1, 1982 Kathleen Wilde of the ACLU filed suit against Straight
Atlanta in Cobb County Superior Court for holding five youths against
their will and for operating without a license. Writs of habeas corpus
were written for the 5 youths. The suit charged that the five teenagers
are suffering "inhumane treatment" that creates an immediate
danger to physical and mental health." Straight was represented
by Marietta attorney Robert Grayson. Two of the youths were dropped from
the suit--one who did not want to participate, the other had left Straight
according to Superior Court Judge Dorothy Robertson. When Straight had
setup in Georgia, Georgia Department of Human Resources officials had
told Straight to apply for a license after about six months of operations.
That is why Straight had not yet filed for a license. Nancy Reagan was
scheduled to visit Straight-St Pete on February 15, and so on February
4 a reporter from the Times called Sheila Tate, Mrs. Reagan's spokesperson,
to ask if the first lady was still planning to visit Straight in light
of the ACLU suit in Georgia. Mrs. Tate responded that Mrs. Reagan has
no plans to cancel her visit, and that Ms. Tate had not checked into the
ACLU charges in Atlanta and declined comment on "something that is
in litigation." The suit was dropped in March after an out-of-court
settlement which called for a three member panel to investigate the charges.
The panel cleared Straight of any wrong doing, but the terms of the settlement
prevent the attorneys or panel members to discuss the findings. [Saint
Petersburg Times, 7-8-82 p. 3b.] And so Mrs Reagan kept her
planned visit to Straight on February 15, 1982. When the First Lady travels
that's news. She was accompanied by nearly a half dozen secret service
agents, three aides, Drug Czar Carlton Turner, and 20 members from the
press including The New York Times and a camera crew from NBC News.
George Bush is mooned, but Betty Sembler, his benefactor, talks international drug policy |
Who paid for the trip
to Sweden? In its heyday Straight gathered nearly a hundred
million dollars by specializing in treating affluent white children for
drug addictions. Straight detractors claim that many of the treated kids
did not have true drug addiction problems but that their parents were
white and that they could afford the payments. Melvin and Betty Sembler
have stood steadfast through the years saying that they never received
any compensation from their involvement in Straight. But when you're worth
$36 million dollars what kind of meaningful compensation could you get
anyway? How about having a holiday named after you? Does Florida celebrate
Betty Sembler Day because of
her involvement fighting the so-called War on Drugs, or is it because
she was Jeb Bush's campaign finance co-chairman. After all the Sembler
family has a history of buying political influence. In 1988 George Bush,
Sr. named Straight co-founders Melvin Sembler and Joseph Zappala as U.S.
ambassadors to Australia and Spain, respectively. The nomination
cited in part their work with Straight, Inc.. But these two men
were also influential fund raisers for George Bush and, personally,
each paid over $100,000 for their respective posts. What's it worth to
be called former ambassador at a cocktail party or in a business meeting? And while Betty may have been warmly received
in Sweden, George Bush, the man she helped make president, wasn't.
here for that story.
Wednesday May 22, 2002 author Radley Balko published an article for
FOX News which describes the abuses of Straight, Inc. and Straight's ties
to the Republican Party through its founders Mel and Betty Sembler. Shortly
afterwards Mr. Balko was invited to be a guest on
Talk Radio 1310, Albuquerque, New Mexico hosted by Bob Schwartz.
Mr. Schwartz made a pronouncement that he did not believe that Straight
was as abusive as Mr. Balko portrayed it, because if it was, then lawyers
would be coming out of the woodworks trying to sue. This editorial, which
was eMailed to Mr. Schwartz, rebuts Mr. Schwartz's observation.
Judge orders Desisto School to hire a consultant to meet standards |
Published on April 12, 2002. Author(s): (AP) [from Boston Globe] A private school for emotionally troubled teenagers in Berkshire County must stop enrolling new students until it meets state standards, according to a court order. The order, issued Monday by Suffolk Superior Court Judge Janet Sanders, says the DeSisto School in Stockbridge must hire a consultant to develop policies for training staff, using physical restraints, and outlining student privileges such as using the telephone and having visitors. The policies must be approved by the state Office Click for complete article (167 words) This is not the first time the $60,000 a year Desisto school for teens with offices in Massachusetts and Florida has come under fire. Click here for related articles. Click here to join a discussion forum for former Desisto students.